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Let it Rayne.... ^^



Battle Rating is made up of many things like your equipment, academy, guild skills etc...


1. The equipment you use is essential to your BR and Combos. The catacombes sets are awesome but the

arena set is stronger and gives 30+ initial rage.

  • At lvl 20-34:  get the catacombes set, or save up insignia and crypt tokens and go straight for the lvl 35 set. It depends on whether or not you want to camp and be strong over time, or be weak then build it up.

  • At lvl 35-39: Get lvl 35 arena set, do catacombes and save up crypt tokens to get the lvl 40 set.

  • lvl 40+: Get the lvl 40 set and make it legendary (see equipment section). And keep trying to get the catacombes sets. The arena sets are better at PvPs but catacombes are better for MPDs. However with ShadowDemon  (archer top right hand corner) I prefer the lvl 40 set, because in battle grounds I can build up rage easily to do deliphic and other skills. (Usually play a knight, they gain rage far better than other classes).


2.Academy is very useful, not only does it make your character stronger but also your troops, so try to max everything in it out. Except MATK is useless for a knight/archer and PATK is useless for a Mage, so dont upgrade MATK/PATK depending on your class. (Note same is also for your troops, melee troops dont need MATK etc...;) Also at lvl 41 you can spend kyanite to boost your BR up to 200% until 3am. (2000 kyanite for each spin)


3. Guild Skills, like with astrals they are very expensive and they might seem like they do hardly anything to your BR. But if you leave a guild you will see they impact your BR greatly. So try to have lvl 10 guild skills by lvl 55, also gold production is cheap so try to get that lvl 10 by lvl 40. The more gold the better


4. Gems can be put into your equipment and increase the BR your equipment gives you. You should get the basics, PATK or MATK and defense. Archers should also get crit gems, Knights - block, Mages - charisma/ hp for 4th slot only. HP is almost useless and charisma is good but useless when not got any troops (ie MPDs). But Mages have the ability to heal and usually the strongest out of the 3 classes, so dont worry if at a disadvantage of PDEF and gems.


5. Asrtals are very expensive and a huge pain, but in order to quickly again BR, have weeks of putting all your gold into getting them.

  • If you get green or white - sell

  • Blue - use to upgrade astrals or use if no purple or higher colours

  • Purple - use to upgrade astrals or use if no orange or higher colours

  • Orange -Use or if a non basic astral (basic = attack and defense), keep until you have a spare slot e.i. lvl 40+

  • Red - Use (unless energine in which case use to upgrade). Red is best astral there is, so your either lucky or spent tonnes of gold.


Astral trick (not a cheat its an in game thing)


1. Click on the magus star until the 2nd planet activates.

2. Click on 2nd planet

3. If 3rd planet doesnt activate re-do step 1 and 2

4. Click on magus star until arrows between the activated planets have lit up.

5. Click on planet 3rd planet

6. If 4th planet doesnt activate re-do the steps.

7. Basically keep lighting the arrows up before clicking on the active planet on the right.




Yeah, you should get the idea.


Now for star points: You get star points for clicking on the planets like one click on magus star gives 1 star point, one click on 2nd planet gives 2 points etc....


You should save up your star points until you get 15000 then click exchange and get a red astral.


6. MOST IMPORTANTLY: (either cash or) try to avoid exp, exp is evil and if you lvl to fast and too much, you will be thrashed in bgs. I only collect quests if is an event or if low exp, or if it has a transponder scroll as a reward (transponder scroll lets you make lvl 5 gems). Also if you have no attempts you can do MPDs (excpet the event ones like ToK) and get no exp, like to complete the Void quest.  And if you got no stamina you can complete campains if you want the completion reward.... bound balens

... and you get no exp. If you want rewards and to do campains but NO exp :) then you can do ones that are 10 lvls below you, rewards + no exp = awesome :D


7. Mounts add to your BR too, so try and get a warriors mark each week by getting 1k PvP points like from BGs and wins from arena.  In the warriors mark chest there is at least 1 mount spirit (sometimes 2 if your lucky). 15 mount spirits = nightshade, 25 = icefang. When you get a mount its more of an addition to your mount strength and like a piece of clothing. If you change your mount your mount strength stays the same like if you got a lvl 2 outfit and change from the rocker to angelic as an example, the rage bonous stays the same but your appearance does not. Also you can buy mounts such as the luxury jaguar, piggie, shadow steed and ruby-eyed steed from the special section in the shop with bound and non bound balens => same price as wings :)


Adding more to this section currently




  • Vs Mage: Slasher, bruitality rune, whirlwind, ultimate slasher, when mages troops dead intercept (rage steal XD) and use argon sheild when needed

  • Vs Archer: Same as mage but a strong archer + crit breaks argon shield

  • Vs Knight: If you got a non laggy computer and they are at the front of their troops or they are dead, then intercept when using whirlwind or any other rage consuming skill.n intercept when using whirlwind or any other rage consuming skill.

(Note: This is for the arena set, but with other sets or if you have enough clothing to miss the first slasher, then base your combos around this).



  • Bruitalitly rune, rain of fire, fireball, lightning bolt etc....

  • Have suntoria and restoration equipped, healing is what makes mages the most usefull class and really helps in PvEs (ie MPDs and catacombes)



  • Arrow strike then when enough rage, bruit rune, lunatic fire, when low on hp and blood thirsty strike. (havent used this version in ages since got lvl 40 set)

  • With lvl 40 set / catacombes sets - multishot, arrow strike, blood thirsty strike, multi, arrow etc.... delphic

  • Or MPD/Catacomb bosses swap lunatic fire with deep freeze ;)







Posion arrow is useless but think that all the others are usefull.



*Wolfie (not cats)

Both Girls, One Suprima

Lykos' astrals

Thinking what to add next, missed stuff off...

*Yawn...* (Thinking tiring)

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